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With Stacey
My Philosophy
Do I share the practice of yoga because I’m an expert on all the Asanas (poses), no. A scholar in the rich philosophy, no. An anatomy and physiology genius, no. An eternally serene and calm guru, ha! no. I share practice because I am human, with all the complexities this entails. I share because yoga has guided me to grow in mind, body and spirit. To be kind to my perfect self at every evolution of my growth/journey. It’s taught me to become comfortable and feel safe inside of discomfort and given me the tools to navigate through life.
At the core of my practice sharing I wish for you to be seen, accepted and nurtured. To open the door to yoga philosophy so that you can reap the multitude of physical, mental and spiritual teachings it shares and to support you in showing kindness to yourself.
You are so very welcome here. BIPOC and LGBTQ+ welcome.
"Be yourself
So the people
Looking for you
Can find you."
- Searching For Myself by Alex Aubrey

What Students Say

"You are perfectly you, as you are, right here and right now."
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